More Time at Home Means a Higher Demand on Your Network
Your home network is the engine that supplies your home’s devices with the horsepower needed to be dependable and efficient. There has been a sudden rise in at-home use of connected devices due to the fact that many of us are now working exclusively at home and that our children are now having to learn in a virtual classroom.
This combined with the automation of our home entertainment systems, lighting systems, and security systems, puts a lot of strain on your home network to perform reliably. There has never been a time when you needed to trust your home network as much as you do today.

Our clients in Houston, TX have counted on us to install home network solutions that allow them to complete their work online and make sure their children can be connected to the educational resources they need. All without sacrificing their smart home performance.
The Most Important Part of Home Automation Is Your Network
No matter what kind of TV you purchase or how much you spend on your children’s laptops, if you can’t access video streaming platforms and your kid can’t log into their school’s resource page, these high tech devices aren’t good for much.
The more connected devices you have, the more bandwidth your home network is going to need to perform. And if you have decided to integrate automation devices into your home, while using a standard package from your Internet Service Provider, you’re bound to see some performance issues.
It simply doesn’t make sense to invest in all that technology if you don’t have the mechanism to allow it to operate properly, especially since your home is now your office space as well as your school building.
A few years ago, the average household had around five different connected devices, but the most recent reports say that most homes now handle around nine, and that was the number before the pandemic. With lights, TVs, speakers and more relying on your network, bandwidth requirements have risen significantly.
How Do I Determine The Kind of Network I Need?
We recommend that you consult with a group of installation experts who can design a personalized home network that can handle a multitude of hardwired and wireless devices and integrate them into your smart home systems so that they can run at top efficiency.
A network design firm can determine exactly the capacity your network needs, depending on the size of your entire living space, how many devices are being used in your house, and how many different users might be using them at once.
If you have already purchased a certain amount of smart home technology, and you’re noticing that it is responding slowly, or sometimes not at all, a network designer can solve the problem.
We can recommend upgrades to your existing network components or show you how a new system can better integrate your technology into a total smart home system, one that allows you to operate all of your home technology from a single smartphone app.
If you think you need to upgrade your existing network or you want to fully integrate your home’s smart devices, contact us here or give us a call at (832) 331-2207. We would love to hear from you!